Hi friend! Welcome to my little corner of the web where we focus on health as a whole ✨

Nice to e-meet you!

I’m Kyla and I’m SO happy for you to be here (because let’s be real you can be anywhere else but you are here). I am a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Pre/Post Natal Fitness Specialist who has a passion for informing, inspiring, and most of all empowering women of all ages. I started my health and fitness journey over ten years ago and it has truly changed my life. So I’m sure you’re thinking “Oh no. Not another “fitspo” but I like to consider myself not your average “fitspo.” For starters, I lead my fitness journey with my faith first. I’m a lover of Jesus and I hope to be a light in an industry that seems to be quite dark. Oh and I do enjoy a good pizza (it's not always prepped meals and green juices here!).


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“Kyla’s channel has been a big part of my growth with the Lord. There are times I get confused with my walk, especially when it comes to fitness. When I saw her video on faith and fitness it changed my daily routine for the better. Her videos are realistic and genuine. It makes me feel like I am not alone in this. Thank you for all you do and I cannot wait for what the future holds.”

- Mansi

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The Jumpstart Your Journey Guide is a self-paced guide and workbook that will teach you everything you need to know on how to start a sustainable and holistic health and fitness journey.